Sunday, June 22, 2008


This tutorial was created by Phil (Luit) owner of for the benefits of people for & who want to learn how to 'Revert' other peoples msn's/hotmail emails.

What you will need:

Revert Link:

IP Get 5.0 (MSN Plus plugin):


1. To start off simply go to the revert link. You will see some form where you will need to fill in some information on the person you are going to revert, don't let the size of the form put you off since it takes about 5 mins to fill in.

2. The first box will ask you to fill in the persons full name. Simply use some social engineering to get them to email you. Once you recieve the email from them it should have there full name next to the contact you recieved it from for e.g: "Phillip Roberts" (

3. Next it will ask you for the e-mail address for us to send a response explains it's self... Just put your email address in.

4. Below your email address it should ask for the Primary e-mail address/member ID associated with the account you are inquiring about. This is the email address of the person you want to revert.

5. It will then ask you for a date of birth. This makes you think you have no chance... All you need to do is use some social engineering once again to try and get they're year of birth no need for month or date.

6. Next is the country, this is pretty simple to get. Don't forget Hotmail checks there information VIA the IP address last logged on the account, the same way we find this information on someone. I will explain how to get there IP further into this tutorial. Simply ask for the country or use the method further on in the tutorial.

7. It will then ask you for the state, Once again you can gain this information VIA the IP. This will also be explained later on in the tutorial.

8. Now you will need the ZIP or post code. This makes you think "oh there is no point i can't get it", well you're wrong, it is very simple to get, once again... I will explain further on in the tutorial how to get this. YOU ONLY NEED THE BEGINNING OF THE POST CODE!

9. It will ask you for the secret answer to your question. You will not need this just fill this in with: "I can't remember"

10. You now will be asked for the alternate e-mail, Just put the email you used in step 4.

11. Ok, this is the main part of the tutorial on how to gain most of the information VIA the IP, if you have MSN Plus, download the MSN Plus IP Get script and import it. Sign out of msn once imported then back in. All you need to do now to gain the IP address of your target is send them a file, wait for them to accept then cancle it or send them a voice clip. You should then get a little pop up in the bottom corner of your screen showing the IP address and the email address of the person.

Now you have this you can now fill the rest of the form out. Once you have the IP go to: target on there there will be a link at the very bottom. Click on it then a new page should come up with a little box, Put the IP in the box and click on locate IP or web site. It should now come up with all the information you need.

Fill in step 6 & 7 with the information shown from this IP.

To get the zip/post code of this zoom in on the map on the and grab the closest street shown on the map to where the ip has been located. Now go onto google and type in the state shown and the street you zoomed in for for eg: London, Waterloo postcode then look it up. London, Waterloo should be SE1, Remember... YOU ONLY NEED THE BEGINNING OF THE POST CODE!

12. Keep open for this step since you will now need the ISP (Internet service provider shown).

13. It will now ask you for the last date and time you successfully signed in, Just put "Today".

Congrats! You have filled in all the information you need. To give you more of a chance of this revert working please keep reading and fill in a tiny bit more information!

14. Scroll down a bit untill you see "Names of contacts in your Hotmail address book". Simply fill in the email address of a few ppl like 2-3 on there contact list (get people to add them if you don't know) and fill it in as shown: (Phil), (Phil) but obviously put in the information needed for YOUR own revert.

15. You will then be asked for subjects of any old mail that is in your hotmail inbox. If they play habbo simply put "Habbo" in this. Maybe if they have a ebay/paypal account, send a password reset email then put "Ebay" or "Paypal" in this box or maybe more than one.

16. It will once again ask you for the names of contacts on your Messenger contact list. Just use the same information shown in step 14.

17. You will now be asked for the messenger nickname (display name) Just copy the persons msn name you are reverting and paste it into this box. Scroll down and click subit obviously.

Congratulations! You have now finished the tutorial on how to revert someone's msn. Just wait 24 hours for the reply!
If you followed this tutorial properly you have a 99% chance of it working.

This tutorial was created by Phil (Luit) owner of for the benefits of people who want to learn how to 'Revert' other peoples msn and for the use of &

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